DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Creating Collectibles on Monday, December, 01, 2003 12:42 AM
A side area of my collection that is growing by leaps and bounds is the area of 'created collectibles'.
It was not my idea to pad my collection by creating unique items. Far from it. My preference was to collect only legitimate items.
My family on the other hand wanted to take an active role in adding to my TRON Shrine and since they are not always as adept at finding items as I am, they branched out into new territories of their own. They made me stuff.
This section of messages will deal with these 'created collectibles'. The reason I am posting this information is to hopefully inspire others, especially those who don't always have access to TRON items, to possibly create some of their own. A little creativity and imagination may be all you need.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Creating Collectibles on Monday, December, 01, 2003 12:48 AM
Two of my favorite pieces of Created Collectibles are my paintings by my Grandmother, Mildred Arnspiger.
In 2003 my wife Janice commissioned my Grandmother to create two pieces for me. My Grandmother has always wanted to paint something special for me and Jan wanted to find a way to get her some money, so fate and TRON stepped in.
Jan picked several images and these two were the final choices. These are now in heavy box frames and placed on my desk at work. Prized posessions in my collection.
Picture 1
Picture 2
This is an example of how a unique and cherished item can be created by working with an artist to create something unique. A lot of artists on the web will do commissions and you can take advantage of that to add to your own collection.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Creating Collectibles on Monday, December, 01, 2003 1:04 AM
Here is another unique created item. My step-mother Kathy Arnspiger wanted to give me a TRON item for my birthday in 2003.
She couldn't afford to go big on bidding on Ebay, so she decided to make something instead. She found a sunglasses holder for a car visor that had a space for a picture. She downloaded a TRON logo from the Internet and voila! Instant TRON collectible.
Fun, creative and a neat piece in my collection. Creativity can make your collection more interesting. Just make sure to be upfront about how the items came to be.
Here is a pic.
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Creating Collectibles on Monday, December, 01, 2003 1:31 AM
Here's an easy one. Pillows! I have a couch in my office at home, and I have a bunch of old concert shirts I wanted to have converted to throw pillows. I hired my step-mother Kathy to do a pillow using a t-shirt from a Who concert for me, and she decided to go one step farther.
She bid on and won two TRON t-shirts from Ebay and made me some TRON throw pillows.
Later I contacted her and asked her to do two more pillows using a DaveTRON t-shirt from my 38th birthday party and a TRON 2.0 shirt from an E3 show. These 4 pillows sit proudly in my office at work on the couch I have there.
Here are some pics.
Pillow 1 - DaveTRON
Pillow 2 - Disc Player
Pillow 3 - Light Cycles
Pillow 4 - TRON 2.0
An extra t-shirt, some padding, and a piece of backing cloth is all you need to make a neat collectible. Every one is unique.
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TimothyC User
Posts: 4 | Re: Creating Collectibles on Thursday, December, 04, 2003 8:05 PM
Dave, your family sure is talented ;^)! The custom Tron paintings are truly fantastic pieces and are no doubt the center pieces of your collection. I can't imagine how good it must feel to be given such a gift with all of the family history behind it. I know one of my favorite items in my collection is a $2 Batman figure that my fiancee bought for me and put on my 28th birthday cake. It's funny how little things (or in your case, awesome art ;^) can become such prized possessions.
DaveTRON Wrote:
It was not my idea to pad my collection by creating unique items. Far from it. My preference was to collect only legitimate items. |
I think that's where most people start in the 'collecting world' in general. People usually start collecting because of sentimental reasons and look for items with a certain degree of familiarity. Usually this would mean production items that they remember from "way back." After a while though, most collectors branch out in their collecting and take a few tangents every now and then. Personally, collecting bootlegs is one area of toy collecting that I thoroughly enjoy. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of bootleg Tron stuff out there so thankfully I collect other lines ;^).
--Timothy C.
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DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Creating Collectibles on Thursday, December, 04, 2003 10:30 PM
There is actually a great deal of bootleg TRON. Buttons, shirts. I have seen a fair bit of it.
There are two button sets on Ebay right now that always go cheap. I just bought a bootleg button from the UK too.