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 What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

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Posts: 4,450
Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Wednesday, December, 03, 2003 10:02 PM
Just don't need to spread myself too thin there. Somewhere along the lines I enjoyed doing Databasing with ORacle, and some C++ along the line, VB wasn't my forte persay. Thought that it was kind of was like taking baby steps with it. But it does have some things that will be useful here and there depending on what you need to do with it.

Yeah I remember Basic from the 80's there was either Basica or GWBASIC. thosewere the two that I remember from the 80's. with the line numbering that you had to do manually. and with only 64k of ram maximum. I remember using those not so good Conterm computers. They kind of looked like a copy of the APPLE ][ and ][e computers with those 8-10 inch monitors.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 1,064
Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Thursday, December, 04, 2003 3:14 PM
Hello again...

Just on the subject of 3d modelling, I finished 2 lamp models for a school project last night, I'm excited by the result and thought I 'd post them.

Lamp 1

Lamp 2

Rendered in Cinema 4d, textures in Flash MX, ahhhh, i love flash.
Not a lightcyle yet, maybe thats my next project, if your around wwwmwww, got any advice?


Posts: 5,314
Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Thursday, December, 04, 2003 10:56 PM
That first one is very PIXAR looking. You know, their jumping lamp in their logo? Good work!


DJ Aussie E.

Posts: 359
Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Friday, December, 05, 2003 12:16 AM
I'm an 8th grade student, and an avid DDR fan.


Posts: 2,991
Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Friday, December, 05, 2003 3:02 AM
Outside of chatting with all of you at Tron-Sector, I build PC's and a freelance comp. tech.

I also work for my brother's side business (Popbumper Arcade Amusements)... We are selling DVD's that we made these last two years on how to fix, and tech arcade and pinball machines....

I also create Celtic Knotwork art for well... myself, and I play the piano and guitar. I drink lots-o-beer... and then some more.... and more.... and then I have a beer.

Outside of that (and spending time with me babetron here at home) I'm here... order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Sector Admin

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Re: What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?

on Friday, December, 05, 2003 9:42 PM
Compucore Wrote:
Yeah I remember Basic from the 80's there was either Basica or GWBASIC. Those were the two that I remember from the 80's. with the line numbering that you had to do manually. and with only 64k of ram maximum.

Ahhh the memories. Those were the days, eh? Trying to do it all, in basic, within the constraints on 64K. Well, I had my Apple //c, so I had bragging rights among my friends with a whopping 128K and a (hold on to your breath now) built-in disk drive. Jeez, remember when they used to be called "disk drives" - that term just sounds ancient now.

foilism Wrote:
Just on the subject of 3d modeling, I finished 2 lamp models for a school project last night, I'm excited by the result and thought I 'd post them.

Hey - those are some pretty slick lamp jobs! DaveTRON is right - they're kind of PIXAR-ish. Will you feature them playing around with a blow-up ball that deflates? Seriously - nice work.

DJ Aussie E. Wrote:
I'm an 8th grade student, and an avid DDR fan.

Ok, I'm going to sound really old here, but when I was 8th grade, the power-house computers we used to use were Apple IIe computers in our school media center. They had 64K of RAM, a funky graphic color scheme that consisted of about 6 or 7 colors (more colors in "low-res" mode) and me and my friends couldn't get enough of them! The coolest game around then was "Castle Wolfenstein" - it was 2D, had no graphic detail (stick figures) and it was cool because the bad guys would TALK! Couldn't tell what they were saying, but they talked.

Qix77 Wrote:
Outside of chatting with all of you at Tron-Sector, I build PC's and a freelance comp. tech.

I also work for my brother's side business (Popbumper Arcade Amusements)... We are selling DVD's that we made these last two years on how to fix, and tech arcade and pinball machines....

I also create Celtic Knotwork art for well... myself, and I play the piano and guitar. I drink lots-o-beer... and then some more.... and more.... and then I have a beer.

I checked out the pinball website briefly - cool stuff. You know, I used to love this pinball game I used to play in the late 70's at "Roller World" (local roller-skating joint). It was called "Gorgar" I think - featured a demonic creature on the display artwork and would occasionally say in an evil voice "Gooooorrrrgaaaaaarrr" at times when playing it, I think. Hmmm - looks like I had a thing for talking games back in the day.
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 What do you do outside of TRON-SECTOR?