viscous User
Posts: 55 | Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Play on Sunday, October, 12, 2003 8:17 PM
Some of you may be interested in this. The Tron 2.0 action figures are now 50% off at Suncoast/Media Play/Sam Goody stores.
tronclone User
Posts: 42 | Re: Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Play on Tuesday, November, 04, 2003 6:34 PM
the local store has only thorne and mercury but another store nearby has jet and the IC, hopefully they will hold it and I can make an excuse to go.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online
I think I'm a Clone Now
tronclone User
Posts: 42 | Re: Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Play on Friday, November, 14, 2003 5:42 PM
well I got my Jet and IC regular but wouldn't ya know it, the arm of jet broke off (
oh well they'll still very cool!!! I think I'm a Clone Now
viscous User
Posts: 55 | Re: Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Pla on Monday, November, 24, 2003 2:29 PM
I was just at a local Media Play and they now had their last two figures (Mercury and ICP) at 75% off. I bought them both. I am a little disappointed that the ICP doesn't seem to actually come with the stand that the package says he does.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion
DaveTRON User
Posts: 5,314 | Re: Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Play on Monday, November, 24, 2003 9:29 PM
All of the 2.0 figures have a small plastic stand with a foot peg and a TRON 2.0 logo sticker on it. Or at least they should.
viscous User
Posts: 55 | Re: Tron 2.0 figures 50% off at Suncoast/Media Pla on Monday, December, 08, 2003 4:01 PM
The package for IC Regular does indeed say that he should come with the stand. And I know what it looks like (from the Mercury figure). I will admit I didn't specifically look for it when opening the package -- only noticed that issue after I'd thrown out the package.
I'm not that broken up about it, mostly since the ICP stands well on his own (better than Mercury would). I'll have to keep an eye out for this if I see any more ICPs.