More Music and impressions... on Monday, September, 15, 2003 10:21 AM
I just finished Tron 2.0 and what a GREAT game! I’m tired of WWII shooters… BVG doesn’t something different and I, for one, appreciate it! I see BVG posts and reads these forums, so I hope they get my praise. I simply can't understand any rating below 90%... Every time I played, my eyes stayed wide open, absorbing the absolute BEAUTY of this game. I remember seeing Tron as a child, I think on TV, and I feel like this IS the sequel. It’s so immersive. I played with the disc as much as possible, a unique and fun aspect of this shooter. The only criticism I would have is to make the transitions and other instructions (from Ma3a) a little more coherent so the objectives feel more natural. Regardless, I may play this game again, which has NEVER happened since I started playing PC Games (X-Wing.) Thanks..
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