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Posts: 76
Player Stats

on Saturday, August, 30, 2003 1:55 AM
I'm sure everyone knows this, but just in case...

If you boost your stats and fill it all the way to the end, like the health, energy and whatever it gives you a bonus 100. So instead of having 200 hitpoints you get 300. I didn't even bother with transfer or processor until the others where filled up. Those extra points help out a lot at the end.

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Player Stats

on Saturday, August, 30, 2003 2:22 AM

Good tip . . . yeah, that's called "surging" those attributes. If you manage to get any one of them . . . say, energy, all the way to the top . . . it gets an extra boost.

I'll remember to do that next time I play. abortion pills online cytotec abortion


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  Tron 2.0 
 Player Stats