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Riparian  Send Message
Name: Brian Heward
Location: N39 10.77 W119 45.490,
Email: Offline
Joined: 3/3/2005 11:43:46 AM
Last On: 3/1/2012 3:49:38 PM
Posts: 106
Hobbies: Geocaching, Photography, Yoga, Ogre, Wargaming, RPGs, Vintage Video Games, New Video Games...etc.
Quote: Cool beans!
Messaging: ICQ:       MSN: rbp_7_ooz@hotmail      Yahoo: riparian_ogre@yahoo
"As the roof was leaking, a Zen Master told two monks to bring something to catch the water. One brought a tub, the other a basket. The first was severely reprimanded, the second highly praised."