General Sectors |
| General Discussion
Talk about anything Tron related here. | 44,210 | 133 Days By PixelatedProgram |
| Collector
Share requests or information with other Tron collectors. | 12,687 | 84 Days By trabera |
| Other Sectors
Talk about anything not related to Tron. | 33,984 | 133 Days By PixelatedProgram |
Film/TV Sector |
Topics regarding the TRON sequel featuring Jeff Bridges. | 34,099 | - |
For all things about the Disney X[]D Series | 3,113 | - |
Games Sector |
| TRON: Evolution
Talk about the upcoming prequel to TRON: Legacy here | 2,073 | - |
| Tron 2.0
Any other topics regarding the PC sequel Tron 2.0. | 8,586 | - |
| Tron 2.0: Design Characters and Levels
Share tips and ask questions on modifying and creating new characters for Tron 2.0 | 1,099 | - |
| Tron 2.0: Multiplayer
Talk tactics, ask questions, and post server information for multiplayer games here. | 2,490 | - |
| Other Games
Handheld, PC and other video games based on the film. | 2,020 | 133 Days By PixelatedProgram |
| TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade
Tron and Disc of Tron topics found here. | 1,375 | 435 Days By Will D |
Fan Sector |
| Fan Fiction & Art
Rez tales of the digital world here... | 1,939 | 152 Days By |
| Film Chat
General Discussion for fan films is here. | 390 | - |
| Film Production
Technical talk for film development (Effects, Rendering) | 266 | - |
Role Playing |
| Game Grid
Do your worst here on the game grid with Emote Battles | 5,142 | - |
| Status Bar
Relax with a disc of pure energy and your fellow Programs here | 10,336 | 2169 Days By Boxleitnerfan1689 |